Activity 8

Activity 8: Game Design 101

Jamie Drozda

Exercise 1.3: Your Life as a Game

Exercise 1.5: Your Childhood

Exercise 2.1: Think of a Game

Exercise 2.7: Premise

Risk – The premise for Risk is that the players are the commanders of their own armies, the goal is to have global domination of earth. It is a game of military strategy, the traditional board game depicts a political map of earth that is divided into 42 territories and players take over these territories via dice-based combat. 

Clue – The premise in Clue is that the players are detectives trying to deduce the details of a murder. The goal is to find out what cards the other players are holding so that they will know what cards are in the case file.

Twister – The premise of Twister is skill and action, Twister is a physical game that requires balance. The goal of the game is to place your hands and feet on coloured dots without falling or letting a knee or elbow touch the mat. 

Guitar Hero – The premise of Guitar Hero is that the players are rock stars, it’s goal is to sell the fantasy of being a rock star on stage. I remember feeling pretty cool when I got the right combination of fret buttons. I never did master using the fret buttons, strum bar and whammy bar all at the same time!

Exercise 3.2: Three-Player Tic-Tac-Toe

The three symbols are X, O, Δ

The board is a traditional 3 x 3 Tic-Tac-Toe grid. After the first player places their symbol on the board the players will roll a die, if they roll a 1 or a 6 they can erase a symbol before drawing theirs on the grid.